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The Late Talker: What to Do If Your Child Isn't Talking Ye

Authors: Marilyn C. Agin, MD, Lisa F. Geng, and Malcolm J. Nicholl 

Published by: St. Martin's Press 

From the jacket cover: 

Every parent eagerly awaits the day his or her child will speak for the first time. For millions of mothers and fathers, however, anticipation turns to anxiety when those initial, all-important words are a long time coming. Many worried parents are reassured that their child is "just a late talker," but unfortunately, that is not always the case. Balanced with a mother's perspective and an acclaimed doctor's experience, this book gives parents advice on: 
• Finding the right therapy and therapist 
• Negotiating with school boards, teachers, and language specialists 
• Speech exercises to do at home with a child. 

The Late Talker is the first book of its kind, providing effective, practical answers to the questions every concerned parent asks. 

From Publishers Weekly: 

The mother of a boy with a speech disorder and the developmental pediatrician and former speech-language pathologist who diagnosed it as apraxia team up with scribe Nicholl to pen this expert guide to understanding speech delays and problems. 

Parents whose child doesn't say "mama" or "dada" soon enough might hope he's a "late talker," and if that were always true, there'd be no cause for alarm. But if the child has a speech disorder, early diagnosis and intervention is crucial: "Studies have shown that youngsters with learning disabilities make up a 'disproportionately large' percentage of suicides." 

The authors of this volume show, via clear chapters and even clearer charts, the kinds of language milestones kids should hit at certain ages and the warning signs of potential disorders. An overview of speech disorders focuses particularly on those in which language acquisition and speech sound production is affected--e.g., apraxia, a neurological motor speech impairment that has a number of associated conditions, including sensory integration dysfunction. 

The authors walk parents through finding the right doctor, therapist and method of therapy; ensuring that their publicly schooled child gets an Individualized Educational Program; dealing with insurance companies; engaging in activities that encourage speech practice; understanding nutritional supplements; and dealing with fears, both their child's and their own. A careful, thorough and realistic book, this will be a great resource for any parent dealing with these issues. 


This gem of a book provides useful, field-tested advice . . . offering comfort and counsel for the anxious parent." 
- Richard D. Lavoie, M.S., M.Ed., visiting professor at Simmons College, former director of the Riverview School, and producer of The F.A.T. City Video - 

Full of terrifically practical and encouraging information . . . Everyone on the team helping your late-talking child will benefit from reading this book." 
- Martha R. Herbert, M.D., Ph.D., pediatric neurologist, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School - 

"This book offers reassuring and realistic advice . . . Armed with this knowledge, both parents and professionals alike will be able to help late talkers find their voice." 
- ADVANCE Magazine -

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